Publications & Conferences
This is out of date. Please see my ADS entry.
"On Shocks Driven by High-mass Planets in Radiatively Inefficient Disks. I. Two-dimensional Global Disk Simulations", Alexander J. W. Richert, Wladimir Lyra, Aaron Boley, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Neal Turner, 2015, ApJ, 804, 95
"Overcoming the Meter Barrier and the Formation of Systems with Tightly-packed Inner Planets (STIPs)", A. C. Boley, M. A. Morris, and E. B. Ford, 2014, ApJ, 792, L27
"Core-assisted gas capture instability: a new mode of gas giant planet formation by gravitationally unstable discs," Sergei Nayakshin, Ravit Helled, and Aaron C. Boley, 2014, MNRAS, 440, 3797-3808
"The Formation of Systems with Tightly-packed Inner Planets (STIPs) via Aerodynamic Drift," A. C. Boley and E. B. Ford 2013, in progress
"Giant Planet Formation, Evolution, and Internal Structure," Ravit Helled, Peter Bodenheimer, Morris Podolak, Aaron Boley, Farzana Meru, Sergei Nayakshin, Jonathan J. Fortney, Lucio Mayer, Yann Alibert, and Alan P. Boss, 2014, Review Chapter for Protostars and Planets VI held in July 15-20, 2013, Heidelberg, Germany, University of Arizona Space Science Series (refereed proceedings).
"High-temperature Processing of Solids through Solar Nebular Bow Shocks: 3D Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations with Particles," A. C. Boley, M. A. Morris, and S. J. Desch, 2013, ApJ, 776, 101
"Simulated Observations of Young Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Discs," T. A. Douglas, P. Caselli, J. D. Ilee, A. C. Boley, T. W. Hartquist, R. H. Durisen, and J. M. C. Rawlings, 2013 MNRAS, 433, 2064
"Swarm-NG: A CUDA library for Parallel n-body Integrations with focus on simulations of planetary systems," S. Dindar, E. B. Ford, M. Juric, Y. I. Yeo, J. Gao, A. C. Boley, B. Nelson, and J. Peters 2013, New Astronomy, 23, 6
"The Evolution of Circumplanetary Disks Around Planets in Wide Orbits: Implications for Formation Theory, Observations, and Moon Systems,'' M. Shabram and A. C. Boley 2013, ApJ, 767, 63
"Convergence Studies of Mass Transport in Disks with Gravitational Instabilities. II. The Radiative Cooling Case," T. Y. Steiman-Cameron, R. H. Durisen, A. C. Boley, S. Michael, and Caitlin R. McConnell 2013, ApJ, 768, 192
"Influence of Viscosity and the Adiabatic Index on Planetary Migration," B. Bitsch, A. C. Boley, & W. Kley, 2013 A&A, 550, 52
"The collapse of protoplanetary clumps formed through disc instability: 3D simulations of the pre-dissociation phase," M. Galvagni, T. Hayfield, A. C. Boley, L. Mayer, R. Roskar, and P. Saha, MNRAS, 2012, MNRAS, 427, 1725
"Interactions Between Moderate- and Long-Period Giant Planets: Scattering Experiments for Systems in Isolation and with Stellar Flybys," A. C. Boley, M. J. Payne, and E. B. Ford 2012, ApJ, 754, 57
"Constraining the Planetary System of Fomalhaut Using High-resolution ALMA Observations," A. C. Boley, M. J. Payne, S. Corder, W. R. F. Dent, E. B. Ford, and M. Shabram 2012, ApJ, 750, L21
"Chondrule Formation in Bow Shocks around Eccentric Planetary Embryos," M. A. Morris, A. C. Boley, S. J. Desch, and T. Athanassiadou 2012, ApJ, 757, 27
"Convergence Studies of Mass Transport in Disks with Gravitational Instabilities. I. The Constant Cooling Time Case," S. Michael, Thomas Y. Steiman-Cameron, Richard H. Durisen, A. C. Boley 2012, ApJ, 746, 98
"Migration of Gas Giant Planets in Gravitationally Unstable Disks," S. Michael, R. H. Durisen, A. C. Boley 2011, ApJ, 737, L42
"The Properties of Pre-stellar Discs in Isolated and Multiple Pre-stellar Systems," T. Hayfield, L. Mayer, J. Wadsley, A. C. Boley 2011, MNRAS, 417, 1839
"Modelling the chemistry of a gravitationally unstable protoplanetary disc," J. D. Ilee, A. C. Boley, P. Caselli, R. H. Durisen, T. W. Hartquist, & J. M. C. Rawlings 2011, MNRAS, 417, 1839
"The Heavy Element Composition of Disk Instability Planets Can Range From Sub- to Super-Nebular," A. C. Boley, R. Helled, and M. J. Payne 2011, ApJ, 735, 30
"On the Possibility of Enrichment and Differentiation in Gas Giants During Birth by Disk Instability," A. C. Boley and R. H. Durisen 2010, ApJ, 724, 618
"Clumps in the Outer Disk by Disk Instability: Why They are Initially Gas Giants and the Legacy of Disruption," A. C. Boley, T. Hayfield, L. Mayer, R. H. Durisen 2009, Icarus, 207, 509
"Resolving Globular Cluster Formation within a Cosmological Context," A. C. Boley, G. Lake, J. Read, R. Teyssier 2009, ApJ, 706, L192
"The Two Modes of Gas Giant Planet Formation," A. C. Boley 2009, ApJ, 695, L53
"Gravitational Instabilities, Chondrule Formation, and the FU Orionis Phenomenon," A. C. Boley, & R. H. Durisen 2008,ApJ, 685, 1193
"The Thermal Regulation of Gravitational Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks. IV. Simulations with Envelope Irradiation,"K. Cai, R. H. Durisen, A. C. Boley, M. K. Pickett, & A. C. Mejia 2008, ApJ, 673, 1138
"The Three-Dimensional Behavior of Spiral Shocks in Protoplanetary Disks," A. C. Boley 2007, Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University
"3D Radiative Hydrodynamics for Disk Stability Simulations: A Proposed Testing Standard," A. C. Boley, R. H. Durisen, A. Nordlund, & J. Lord 2007, ApJ, 665, 1254
"The Internal Energy for Molecular Hydrogen in Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Disks," A. C. Boley, T. W. Hartquist, R. H. Durisen, & S. Michael 2006, ApJ, 656, L89
"The Thermal Regulation of Gravitational Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks III. Simulations with Radiative Cooling & Realistic Opacities," A. C. Boley, A. C. Mejia, R. H. Durisen, M. K. Pickett, & P. D'Alessio 2006, ApJ, 651, 517
"Hydraulic/Shock-Jumps in Protoplanetary Disks," A. C. Boley & R. H. Durisen 2006, ApJ, 641, 534
"The Effects of Metallicity & Grain Size on Gravitational Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks," K. Cai, R. H. Durisen, S. Michael, A. C. Boley, A. C. Mejia, M. K. Pickett, & P. D'Alessio 2006, ApJ, 636, L149
"The Three-Dimensionality of Spiral Shocks in Disks: Did Chondrules Catch a Breaking Wave?" A. C. Boley, R. H. Durisen, & M. K. Pickett 2005, In Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, ASPC Series, 341, 839
Selected Conference Presentations
The following is being reformatted. The current list is incomplete, but will be updated soon.
“Overcoming the Meter Barrier and The Formation of Systems with Tightly-packed Inner Planets (STIPs)”, A. C. Boley 2014, AAS 46th DPS, Tucson, AZ, November
“The Dynamics of Known Short-period Multi-planet System in the Presence of Outer Planets", 2014, Agueda P. Granados Contreras and A. C. Boley, AAS 46th DPS, Tucson, AZ, November
"High-Temperature Processing of Solids in Planetary Embryo Bow Shocks", A. C. Boley and Christopher Mann, 2014, talk at the Canadian Astronomy Society meeting Quebec City, June
"Planet Formation During the Early Stages of Disk Evolution", A. C. Boley, May 2014, talk at the Oort Workshop on Episodic Accretion at Leiden University, Netherlands.
"Stars to Life," A. C. Boley, April 2013, talk at astrobiology conference hosted by the University of Florida (on SOC and LOC)
"High-Temperature Processing of Solids in Planetary Embryo Bow Shocks," A. C. Boley, M. A. Morris, and S. J. Desch, March 2013, talk at LPI at the Woodlands, TX
Invited talk at Les Houches Winter School, February 2013 (Delivered via Skype)
Sagan Symposium, November 2012
"Constraining the Dynamical Evolution of Fomalhaut Using High-Resolution ALMA Observations,'' A. C. Boley, M. J. Payne, S. Corder, W. Dent, E. B. Ford, and M. Shabram 2012, talk at DDA Meeting at Mount Hood.
"Transient Clumps and High-Temperature Processing in the Outer Disk," A. C. Boley 2011, talk at First Solids in the Solar System in Kauai
"Clumps In The Outer Disk: The First-Core Stage And Consequences For Planet Formation," A. C. Boley 2011, talk at Extreme Solar Systems II in Jackson Hole
"On The Possibility of Enrichment and Differentiation in Gas Giants During Birth by Disk Instability," A. C. Boley and R. H. Durisen 2010, presentation at IAU Symposium 276, The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution in Turin, Italy
"Gravitational Instabilities and Gas Giant Planet Formation," A. C. Boley 2009, Invited review talk at Dynamics of Disks and Planets in Cambridge, UK
"Gravitational Instabilities and Planet Formation," A. C. Boley 2008, Invited talk at Origin and Evolution of Planets in Ascona, Switzerland
"Effective Alphas and Mixing for Disks with Gravitational Instabilities: Convergence Testing in Global 3D Simulations," S. Michael, T. Y. Steiman-Cameron, R. H. Durisen, & A. C. Boley 2007, BAAS, 38, 995
"3D Radiative Hydrodynamics Simulations of Protoplanetary Disks: A Comparison Between Two Radiative Cooling Algorithms," J. Lord, A. C. Boley, & R. H. Durisen 2006, BAAS, 38, 996
"A Test Suite for 3D Radiative Hydrodynamics Simulations of Protoplanetary Disks," A. C. Boley, R. H. Durisen, A. Nordlund, & J. Lord 2006, BAAS, 38, 995
"The Effects of Varied Initial Conditions on Protoplanetary Disks," S. Michael, A. C. Boley, & R. H. Durisen 2006, BAAS, 38, 1052
"Hydraulic/Shock-Jumps in Protoplanetary Disks," A. C. Boley & R. H. Durisen 2005, BAAS, 37, 1164
"Star Formation in the Outer Disk of NGC 5964," C. P. McKinney, A. C. Boley, L. van Zee, D. Schade, & S. Cote 2005,BAAS37, 1392
"Linking Chondrules to the Formation of Jupiter Through Nebular Shocks," A. C. Boley & R. H. Durisen 2005, LPI 1286, 8177
"The Three-Dimensionality of Spiral Shocks in Disks: Did Chondrules Catch a Breaking Wave?"A. C. Boley, R. H. Durisen, M. K, Pickett 2004, Workshop on Chondrites & the Protoplanetary Disk, 9016
Talks (Independent of Conferences)
Public Talk, Café Scientifique, Downtown Vancouver, November 2014
Public Talk at the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Sunshine Coast, BC, April 2014
Colloquium at Northwestern, February 2013
Colloquium at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, February 2013
Colloquium at the University of British Columbia, January 2013
Public talk at the Chiefland Fall Star Party, November 2012
Public talk to the Alachua Astronomy Club, October 2012
Colloquium at the University of Washington, March 2012
Arizona State University, School of Earth and Science Exploration, colloquium given to a diverse group of scientists, April 2011
Public Talk at the California Academy of Sciences, February 2011
University of Florida, Department of Astronomy, colloquium given to department 2010
Popular Press And Media Relations
Interviewed for and appearance in a documentary about the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), “Eyes of the Atacama,” A Terra Mater Factual Studios production. See also IMDB entry.
"How Planets Paint Rings Around Stars," Interviewed for article in Time 2012
"Weird Super-Earths Found Orbiting Neighbor Star," Interviewed for article in Discovery News 2012
"Planets take shape in embryonic gas clouds," Interviewed for an article in ScienceNews 2011, 179, 9
"Some Rocky Planets Could Have Been Born as gas Giants," Interviewed for an article in 2011
"Kosmischer Wimpernschlag (Cosmic Blink of the Eye)," Interviewed for the March, 2009 edition of UNIMAGAZIN, University of Zurich
"Surf's Up in the Solar Nebula," A. C. Boley May/June 2005, Sidebar in "Rings of Creation" (R. H. Durisen) in Mercury, 34, no. 3, 12